Sunday, June 26, 2011

Experiment 52, # 22 {simple summatime fun}

  Guess who found this blue beauty at a garage sale and for 1 dollar...who else?  Mema pulled through once again! Griff loves this whale...I mean seal.  He keeps calling it a whale, but we're trying to "learn" him his animals :-)

we are absolutely LOVING summertime here in CO.  Yes we wish the wind would stop, but we're still enjoying our time outside.  My favorite time of day is after dinner when we are all hanging out as family in the back yard or in the front riding bikes.  I sure love our fam!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Experiment 52, #21 {photo assistant}

One week late, but none the less, we are getting back on track...
A few weeks ago, the little man and I went to church to help with their VBS.  Our job: photographers.  We were to capture every preschooler's headshot for the last day's creative project.  Inorder to get just the right angle, lighting, and background, I needed my trusty assistant to model for me...and model he did.  Hello, beautiful, welcoming brown eyes and prefect olive skin, you warn my heart and make this Momma shine...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ailee is in the double digits...TEN MONTHS :-)

The lady at the grocery store: how old is your sister?
Griffin: She's a baby she has no number yet.
So true little man, so true, but don't blink cause 1 is a comin'. 

 You did it, you do it, and we love it.  You are officially sleeping through the night.  Miss Cory hooked us up with a great baby sleep sack that is so thick and comfy that you just snooze your way to almost 7am.  So wonderful, now if you and your brother could both do this, we would be set :-)
Your love for your brother continues to grow, of course buh buh (bubba) would have to be your first word.  It's closely tied with Dahdah, but I think we're going to have to go with the first.  We absolutely love that you are talking with us.  Well, you "talk" all the time, but now you are starting to learn new words.

 Still no teeth, but no complaints from you or me.  You still do fine with baby food, but you adore finger foods.  Some of your favorites are cheese, turkey, bananas, puffs, strawberries, grapes, beans, asaparagus, apple (big pieces to suck on), eggs (I know, I know), and more cheese.  You are still nursing 4x a day and still love having our special time, although sometimes you are very distracted by what Griffin is doing and you would rather go play then sit still. 
You have many modes of transportation: the regular crawl, the sit scootch, and the best I like to call the sit-crawl.  You keep your one let tucked under just in case at any moment you want to sit, it's there ready for you.  At the very end of your 9th month you decided that you were interested in pulling yourself up on things.  The first being the dishwasher and then Griff's bed.

You are still taking at least 2 naps during the day, usually about an hour and a half each.  Bed-time is anytime from 730 to 830 and you wake around 6:45-7:30.

Miss Maezer, we are all smitten by you and your beautiful eyes and your melt-your-heart smile.  I'm so grateful you are in our family.  May you always feel our love for you and in turn share that with others.

TOTAL credit for the picture idea goes to Heather May.  I love it!  I'm thinking the 2nd one is float wrap material.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Heart Faces "From a Distance"


go check out the other "from a distance" photos at iheartfaces.  My style is always up close so you can see the EXACT color of their eyes.  I'm learning to step back every once and while to get the whole picture.  It worked out :-)  I love the way this little girl is right between the two windows.  Even in it's funky angle, you still see symmetry, which also caught my eye...

Experiment 52, #21 {5k...t-20 days}

Today marks the completion of week 7 of my couch to 5k training.  Next week is 3, 28 minute runs and the following week, 3, 30 minute runs.  I really can't believe I've come this far.  I usually don't stick with my running plan, so this has been such a treat to see such determination to get through this.  The exciting news: I registered for my first 5k today.  It's at the end of June, so I only have a couple more weeks to get to my goal.  Then after that, the hubs has said he will join me in the next one is August some time.  So looking forward to that.  Here's are a few pictures, of the kids, along my journey...
gotta love havin' a camera on the ol' phone...

More to come as I get to my goal :-)
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