Monday, February 23, 2009


Griffin is now 13.5 months old and walking like a champ. Four days ago, nothing and now he walks all over the place. He must be one of those kids that thinks about it for as long as he needs then just takes off. No real trying it out just watching and thinking then delivering! It's just a joy to watch him learn things. I have to say the last 3 weeks have been pretty rough on the guy. He was a total emotional case, very needy, clingy and fussy! Thanks to our friend, Jen, who gave us the book, "Touchpoints - birth to three - your child's emotional and behavioral development" which totally hit the nail on the head saying before many huge milestones you may see your child go through exactly what we saw Griffin go through, but not to worry it's normal. I was at the point of going to see our doc to ask what is up with this normally chill kid? But at last, we have passed this stage. I for one am so thankful. He's back to his normal self, but at the same time changing into such an amazing kid. Now if we could just get the issue of 1 or 2 naps and a reasonable bedtime figured out, we'd be set.


Marisa said...

Oh, Jess--what a STUD!!! And multitasking, too...walking, chatting and pointing to body parts. Man, so stinkin' cute and such a character. So happy for you's a whole new adventure from here. :) I love how you enjoy your little boy. Can't wait to see him in action in person!

Ashley Beth said...

Congrats on the walking man! It's so cute, isn't it? As far as the sleeping thing goes, I read a book called "Good Night, Sleep Tight" by Kim West (The Sleep Lady) and it really helped us get the sleep thing down to a science. I still refer back to it as my boys change their sleep needs. It's helpful to allowing you to understand what they need, how much they need, and how to get it! Just thought I'd pass that information along because it helped us get 2 sleeping champs! Have fun with the walking guy, it'll be non-stop from here on out! :)

The Haifley Family said...

Way to go Griff!!!

The Bird said...

Our favorite boy!! He's brillant

Unknown said...

Look at that boy go ... I swear he watched Gramps when he was here for Thanksgiving ... the purposeful stride, the way his feet point OUT ... he is soooo handsome (the acorn didn't fall far from the tree) and if he is as quick as Jeff ..can you say NFL linebacker? Woo hoo

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