Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brace yourself for CUTENESS...

Happy {heart} Day.
In keeping with my new flair of adding a bit of "wildness" to my life, two of my friends helped me host a Valentine's party.  By helping I mean they did most of the work.  I cleaned the house, well part of it, and made the food, Jayna and Christine pulled through and did the rest.  Including all decorations and getting a craft together for THREE year olds.  Thank you ladies for making the day so special for me and for my kids (Ailee almost slept through the party but made her appearance right at the end :-)).
Also, thanks Jenn for letting us use your cricket and for making those cute desserts...LOVE.

When I moved here in '06, I never thought I would make these connections.  I feel blessed beyond measure in the friends department.  Just look, we have 12 place settings here for just the 3 and 4 year olds.  There were also babies everywhere.  Thank you to all you Mommas who put your little kids bums in these seats and fill our hearts with your love...SMILE.
Enjoy our little make-shift photo booth:

We missed you Keri, Joss, and Trip...Sad!

Let's just be honest, we don't even need to say how made these...are they perfect? Yes! it must be Missy.  Great job once again, friend.  Oh and thanks for letting my son chase your son around my house with a baseball bat.  According to Griffin, Noah loved it.


Marisa said...

Ah. LOVE this, Jess. Thanks a ton for hosting such a fab V-day par-tay for our little people. What a blast. And Noah thoroughly enjoyed the bat chasing. :) Thanks for letting us be a part of it all!

Ashley Beth said...

That's just ridiculous how cute that all is. What a fun, memorable day for all of those cuties! I love the little photo booth/frame idea-adorable!

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