Sunday, April 10, 2011

Experiment 52, #13 {Mimi}

We love our Mimi.  Yesterday our family visited her in her new "apartment"/assisted living home. 

I haven't been able to shake the thoughts of how our body ages and betrays us.  No matter how well we fuel it and exercise it, it breaks down.  It hurts emotionally, physically and spiritually in some ways because of the unknown next stage.  Yes, we have faith in what the Word tells us about heaven and being there worshiping the Lord, but it's still a VERY large unknown.  I'm a tangible person and closely connected to my family, where I find much peace.  I think, in all of this, I want to learn to hold loosely the things I hold tightly: my family and our health. 

After Mimi had a few moments of sadness, she perked up and really enjoyed seeing our kids play around her room.  Jeff was super sweet to remind her of her amazing legacy she has created.  Fifteen great grands that wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. 

Ailee took her walker for a spin, played in her laundry basket, leaned on her footstool and leaned a bit too much and bonked her head on a chair on the way down.  OOPS.  Griffin brought her a motorcycle picture that he colored, ate her chocolate, and showed her how to play Angry Birds and his motorcycle game on my phone.  Once I saw this happening, I knew my camera was a must. 

Family, it's so important.  My prayer is that as my body fails me, in say like 40 or 50 years, I will have loads and loads of family around me to hold my hand, talk about God's faithfulness, and remind me of the legacy that has been created.  Oh, and teach me the modern day version of Angry Birds.

Mimi, well done.  We love you.  As you live out your last days, just know that you have left a loving mark on my heart, and I'm only a married in grand kid. 

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