Monday, April 4, 2011

we love you at 8 months...

Oh Ailee...
I love that you are 8 months old.  We all can't get over you.  The coolest new thing (to me) is your wave.  There's the "milk sign" wave, the praise Jesus wave, and the wrist twist with a shy head rested on my shoulder wave.  I adore them all.  Our friend, Mis, got the first wave.  A special friend for a fun first...

You sure are working on LOTS of new sounds, the funniest being, "cah cah."  I like to refer to this as the crow sound instead of a reference to poo...thank-you very much.  Also you are perfecting the "bah bah" sound for your sweet bah, bah, brother.  Every ONCE in awhile we'll hear the attempts of the "m" and "d" sound, but maybe you'll save that for next month. 

Your new desire to stand, makes you the most proud.  You are loving to pull up on things, although haven't been able to get all the way up on your own.  The problem isn't your strength or ability, it's the object you are pulling on.  Some are too small, some will topple right on top of your or some are just too high.  We'll find the right thing for you to practice on and you'll have that down in no time.  BUT once you are up, you TOTALLY love it.  It's been a joy to watch you smack away at whatever is there to hold you up.  Sometimes with a little too much force which brings you quickly back to your bum.

Speaking of your bum, whenever placed on it, you don't stay there long.  You are quickly getting in the crawling position, minus the one leg that gets stuck in front of you.  You mommas know what I'm talkin' about.   You haven't let that slow you down, you just continue to lean forward and all the sudden you are flat on your tummy.  Then back up again ready...ready...and then back on your tummy, which is just fine by me.  You add in a few stationary swim moves and you are back up.  You go around in circles and backwards, but that's as far as this last month has brought you.  This next month, you'll be movin' forward, sister.

Ailee Mae...Let's make April the month you master/enjoy sleeping through the night and eating food?  K?  Glad we had this talk...

It's a good thing you are so stinkin' cute, 'cause in the morning when I come in to get you and you are lying there kicking and smiling it helps me forget that I've already seen you, on average, two times since I put you to bed the night before.  Oh, and this month does mark the first of not being swaddled.  So we've strategically placed at least 3 pacifiers around your bed to help you find them in your hour of need.  Let's hope it helps. 
And food...well, not much has changed.  We know you don't like Earth's Best, deal with Gerber DHA, and enjoy the real deal.  SO, this month, we'll be baking, steaming, and  pureeing many fruits and veggies, WHICH I planned on doing, and love, but didn't want to buy it all and not have you eat it. 

One last thing, you gained 1/2 a pound from last month, so that puts you at 17.5 pounds.  You are so big...

I love the feeling  that we've always had you, you've never not been in our family.  We simple melt at your sweet, shy new ways and brace ourselves for your spark of sass that you've been showing us. 

I just want you to know that you have a brother that continues you love you more and more.  Whenever we're out and meet someone new, he, without hesitation, says, "that's my baby sister, Ailee"  When he accidentally throws something and it hits you, you not only get one kiss at point of contact, but the kisses keep coming one after another until he's sure you know how sorry he is.  He loves you, girl, and for that we're thankful God hears our prayers.  Oh and it's an understatement to say, you are head over heals in love with him too.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Great photos! Did you take them yourself?

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