Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July camping

It's the feeling of not knowing where one family starts and the other ends.  The only time you know who belongs to who is when the sun goes down and little ones reluctantly follow their parents toward their tent.  Although, it did look a little commune-ish, thankfully not many people passed us by. 

(do take note of the 8 or 9 coolers in this picture alone)
 My boy played with the littlest to the biggest...thanks mr. chris for pretending to get hit by the atv!!  He was dirty, I hated it, he loved it.  I mean come on, does dirt under the nails send anyone other than me?  Okay, I got past it and absolutely loved that he was loving the purity of just playing and pretending.  PLUS, hours spent on a real ATV.  Did I mention it was parked for the most part!

My girl, well, I'm pretty sure the majority held her for a least a second during our weekend.  Being the crawler that she is, spent a lot of time in the stroller or in our arms. 

Although our spot from last year was flooded, we were able to go back and have a little water fun there one afternoon. 

It happens every time...these girls are always on the same wave length...something matches and we can't stop the cuteness!
One more for good some good clean fun!  Note to self, leave drinking water out all day and it will be warm by night, baths in the morning are for the birds!
thanks to the lanes, rosentreters and freeds for going up ahead of time and working out the details.  we had a great time and appreciate all your work.

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