Sunday, July 10, 2011

Experiment 52, #24 {11 sweet months}

Ma ma ma ma ma ma... ahhh you warm my heart with the simple "m" sound.  Miss Ailee, you are now 11 months.  We are loving all the new expressions, laughs, smiles, attitudes and growth.  You are showing me that you just might be our adventurous one.  At the pool (a zero entry one) last week, you crawled yourself right into the water and had it up to your face.  You didn't show any fear or desire to turn around.  Time will tell. 

(these pictures were taken while camping over the 4th, this tub later turned into her bathtub!)

You are pulling up on everything, but still hanging in that one spot until you lower yourself down to the ground.  So, no real interest in walking around, but you will surely get there in no time.  I will be working on getting you a baby walker this month to help you get around. 
Still no teeth or any real sign of them coming...still fine by me!  You are eating like a champ, so it gives me hope for when all mine fall out..hahhaha.

Still sleeping great and waking between 6-7.  I never thought I would like that, but now that you seem to be staying consistent, it's starting to feel normal and more things are getting done really early in the day. 

(these garden pictures were taken last week at the steamboat botanical garden.  same place J and I got married)

I've been day dreaming about your party next month...just brace yourself for the serious cuteness that is coming your way...
Oh and this just in, you have recently realized how cool your daddy is.  Even in my arms, you will occasionally reach for daddy and give him huge smiles.  He is LOVING it.

1 comment:

Freed Family said...

She is so beautiful Jess!! It is hard to believe she is so close to her first birthday. You are welcome to grab our walker and/or our radio flyer push wagon if you want. They are just sitting in the garage collecting dust, I would love if someone got some use out of them.

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