Friday, August 19, 2011

Lillian Sage.13.years.

Lillian Sage

This little beauty was born the day BEFORE I left for college.  It was a bittersweet time.  I was thrilled beyond measure to be able to meet my niece, but heart broken that I would be all the way across the country in SC.  Her little body was perfect in every way, her skin so soft and her smell, dreamy (her momma had the smell department completely covered...Lily of the valley, anyone?).  I missed her dreadfully. 

13 years?  We are all so proud of you.  We love the lady you are becoming and the heart that is developing inside you.  I absolutely adore watching you with my kids.  You are so great with them and they just love you to pieces as well. 

first time seeing Griffin

at the hospital with Ailee

Lil, you are beautiful.  I'm so excited to see what God does with your life.  You have blessed my family and I know you will touch many lives with your caring spirit.  Happy 13th year, girlie.  You are a special one, may you always know your value. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless my soul...

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