Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 1, 2012

Ailee, you are sitting on my lap as I type, and I love these moments when you sit long enough to let me kiss your head over and over again.  I breathe in deep the sweet smell of your freshly washed burts bees hair.  We love you with some serious craziness. 
I don't think I prepared myself for the depth of your personality.  You, little lady will do WHATEVER you want to do.  We believe in you, but mostly it comes from the fire in your belly.  You have fun to the extreme and you also take sassy to a whole new level ;) 

When we are away from each other, I dream about your potential...I know you will do this one given life well.  That's just who you are.  My prayer for you, the last few months, is a heart of joy and gentleness.  My hope is that with your strengths and my Mama prayers, you will have a heart that's open to our Father's voice.  He longs for your obedience, because he knows you, loves you, and wants all your gifts to be used the fullest. 

I absolutely love seeing your personality grow.  With that growth your Mama grows.  I grow in patience, adoration, in prayer, in frustration, in excitement, and mostly more in love with you.
Over this next year, as your rock it, dance through it, and say"NO" a hundred times, just know that we will love you through every season.  I'm thrilled to see what this year holds for you! 

 Ailee Mae.

(all the photos are in order of how we spent her birthday)

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