Thursday, August 9, 2012

With 2 days to spare...

she does it :) 
you see, we have this thing about July...
2010: Griff was potty trained
2011: Griff learned to ride a two-wheeler
2012: Ailee potty trained

For the last two months, every time I changed her diaper I would tell her at her 2nd birthday party she was going to get undies, and no longer have diapers.  This makes it a reward rather then a burdon.  (I read this approach somewhere or overheard it at the park, not sure where)  Somehow she translated that to Minnie undies, which was the beginning of her Minnie love.  As the time was approaching, I was starting to worry that she wasn't getting what I was telling her.  The day was going to come and she would just be going to the bathroom in her underwear.  So, I had to take it to the next level...
The week before her bday, we spent the week at home.  She wore only a shirt.  It was a bit like having a puppy.  I had less messes to clean up then the fingers on one hand.  As soon as she would start, I would whisk her away to the potty and if she got any in the toilet, she got a jelly bean.  Within the first few days she had it figured out.  I was blown away.
Complete success and so thankful. 
The things that made it less stressful:
no facebook updating ;)
no plans for a week
no baby seat on the actual toilet
keep the portable potty in the car with wipes and diaper trash bags for the mess

jelly bean/reward
got Griff onboard (he got a treat everytime too, so he encouraged A LOT)
& came through with Minnie undies wrapped up on the morning of her birthday.

Ailee girl, we are so proud of you.

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