Wednesday, March 2, 2011

7 and 17lbs :-)

If there's one thing I hate, it's vaccines.  We are only giving 3 and I still hate them.  She's not herself for about 24 hours and last time she got a sweet cold right after, so yeah. they suck.  If anyone is interested we follow Dr. Sears' "selective schedule" but I waited until 6 months to start, where he starts at 2 months. 

On a funny note, I mentioned earlier how this girl isn't interested AT ALL in food.  We finally got her to eat oatmeal with milk, NO water, but that's as pretty much as far as we've gotten.  She's learned to laugh, talk, cry and just sit with her mouth closed like a steal trap.  She knows if it opens for just one second food is sure to enter.  If it does there's gaging, chills, and finally the exit of whatever intruded into her world. 

recently we  have been able to keep a few more things from coming out.  Banana, only from the source; avocado, right from the peal, and get this...the girls LOVES lemons.  I know they are not supposed to have them but we were just messing while eating out one day and she kept going back for more.  (She also likes pickles, but we leave that one alone.)
Little Ailee...
You are getting so big.  You now weigh in at 17.1 lbs.  (Good thing we have whole milk around here!) 
In a typical day we find you:
  • Sitting up so big (makes me want your posture)
  • Playing/putting all brother's and your toys and  in your mouth. 
  • Making lots of fun sounds, the coolest is the "b" sound for brother.  "ba ba"...wonder if Griff will get bubba as a new name???
  • Lovin' your bath time.  If anyone stands close they are sure to get soaked, which we all love.
  • Trying to get that bum in the air and pulling those legs under you.  Slow down girl, I'm not ready to baby proof the millions of Legos, tiny helmets, and other such items around the house.
  • Still taking two great naps a day
  • and hittin' the hay around 8 and wake up around 4 or 5, then back to sleep until 7ish. 

I can only hope that next time I report back, she's eating a few more things and still not crawing.  It's funny how all I wanted was for Griffin to master the next step and this time, I don't mind it takin' a bit longer.

1 comment:

Ashley Beth said...

Emily LOVES lemons too! She would eat them all day if we'd let her! :)

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